An Undo Stack in VBA

I’m working on an Excel add-in which will allow a user to perform operations on cells. I’d also like to allow the user to ‘undo’ these operations. Excel itself, of course, does have an Undo button (shortcut Ctrl + Z), but this works only to undo changes made in the user interface, and is not going to help for changes made by VBA. This means the add-in will need to remember each operation performed and have them ready to supply for un-doing should the user want to do so.

Many people have created their own general solutions for undoing changes made in VBA – for instance, here’s one from Jan Karel Pieterse (who also created the hugely useful Name Manager add-in): Undo With Excel VBA. However I decided not to use a solution like this – it’s quite a lot of code to add to a project, and it is very general.

In this case I’m happy to write a more specific solution, which copes with undoing a specific action, by simply delegating the work of undoing the action to the object which did the action in the first place. Here’s an example:

' CellTest Class - allows calling code to change the value of a
' cell and then change it back

' Private Variables
Private mCell As Range
Private vOrigFormula As Variant

' Public Properties
Public Property Get Address() As String
  Address = mCell.Address
End Property

Public Property Set Cell(ByRef rCell As Range)
  Set mCell = rCell
  vOrigFormula = rCell.Formula
End Property

' Public Methods
Public Sub Change(ByVal sText As String)
  mCell.Value = sText
End Sub

Public Sub ChangeBack()
  mCell.Formula = vOrigFormula
End Sub

So what about storing up a list of operations for undoing? This is ideally suited to a stack. Stacks are neat data structures – they don’t do much, but they do it well and they’re really easy to code. Here’s one I picked up from the VBA Developer’s Handbook and tweaked a little to suit. There are two classes, StackItem and Stack. StackItem simply stores a value and a reference to another StackItem object – the next item on the stack.

' StackItem class holds a reference to the object it refers to and
' a reference to the next item in the stack

Public Value As Variant
Public NextItem As StackItem

Stack stores a reference to the item on the top of the stack, and exposes the functions Push (to push a new item on to the top) and Pop (to remove the top item and return a reference to it). Properties IsEmpty and Peek tell you if there are any items in the stack, and what the value of the top item is (without removing it), respectively. There’s a very nice visual explanation of how this looks here.

' Stack holds a reference to the top item in the stack data structure
' and manages the adding and removing of stack items

Private siTop As StackItem

' Public Properties
Public Property Get IsEmpty() As Boolean
    IsEmpty = siTop Is Nothing
End Property

Public Property Get Peek() As Variant
    If IsObject(siTop.Value) Then
        Set Peek = siTop.Value
        Peek = siTop.Value
    End If
End Property

' Public Methods
Public Function Push(ByRef varIn As Variant) As Boolean

    Dim siNew As StackItem

On Error GoTo PushError

    Set siNew = New StackItem
    If IsObject(varIn) Then
        Set siNew.Value = varIn
        siNew.Value = varIn
    End If
    Set siNew.NextItem = siTop
    Set siTop = siNew
    Push = True
Exit Function

    Push = False
End Function

Public Function Pop() As Variant

    If IsObject(siTop.Value) Then
        Set Pop = siTop.Value
        Pop = siTop.Value
    End If
    Set siTop = siTop.NextItem

End Function

So now to store an actions for undoing, I just need to push the object which performed it onto the undo stack. Every time I wish to actually undo an action, I just pop the object reference off, and instruct it to undo.

Next time, I’ll demonstrate how this looks in practice.